Plaquette v2024.5 released with support for native quantum dot imperfections
Quantum dots, along with other single-photon emitters, are being explored as a way to build fault-tolerant quantum computers.
Building the best architectures for fault-tolerance requires understanding and addressing the impact of real-world imperfections. Plaquette is now the first software tool that enables studying the impact of native imperfections that arise in quantum dots.
This is enabled thanks to two main advances:
Firstly, the possibility of performing numerically exact simulations of a quantum dot emitting entangled photons and constructing error-model objects that can be used in fault-tolerance simulations.
Secondly, the possibility to simulate fusion-based quantum computing with six-ring fusion networks accounting for these error models.
This functionality, launched in Plaquette v2024.5 enables our customers to study the performance of fault-tolerance architectures in the real world and come up with more powerful architectures of their own!
Plaquette v2024.5 enables first ever threshold plot with respect to native quantum dot imperfections.
If you're interested in learning more, reach out to us at